Crystal to help with menopause

Lyndsey Shankland

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  • Amethyst - For calming the mind.  Admired for centuries Amethyst is a powerful healing and cleansing stone and is particular used for calming mental health conditions such as, irritability, low mood, anxiety and mild depression, which sadly can walk hand in hand with the menopause.  Amethyst is also a great protective stone helping to dispel fear or anger as our body make the change whilst also assisting with sleep and insomnia.
  • Carnelian - For stability and strength.  Carnelian carries a powerful energy of strength it increases vitality and courage while bringing a deep sense of warmth and wellbeing.  Carnelian works closely with the reproductive system soothing as it goes, providing an energy boost and Emotional balance, place this crystal on the sacral chakra to assist personal power.
  • Citrine - For happiness.  Citrine brings a bright warm energy as its the stone of happiness and success.  Known for its ability to attract joy  it can also be used as a cleansing stone to clear away negative energy from the environment.  Aids hot flushes/flashes.
  • Moonstone - For peace and healing.  Considered a protection, peace and healing stone, moonstone carries a nurturing feminine energy that calms making it a powerful support crystal for women bringing harmony to mind and emotions.
  • Hematite - For protection and balance.  A grounding stone hematite is said to regulate temperature and circulation, cooling those annoying and distruptive night time sweats.  Useful for those who lack confidence in themselves calming stress and anxiety helping you to feel more comfortable in your changing body.


Type: Unknown Type

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